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‘Squad’ Democrat Cori Bush ethics complaint expands over new payments to husband

EXCLUSIVE — A conservative group is expanding on its prior ethics complaintagainst “Squad” member Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO) over her latest campaign payments to her husband, according to documents obtained by the Washington Examiner. Bush in March faced ethics complaints from the right-leaning watchdog Foundation for Accountability and Civic Trust and Committee to Defeat the […]


Biden campaigns on the economy at his own peril

OPINION: The 2024 campaign is heating up, and President Biden is campaigning on … the economy? On the campaign trail, Mr. Biden has doubled down on “Bidenomics,” which he claims to be “restoring the American dream.” Press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre is similarly championing the Biden economic platform, which is allegedly responsible for cutting inflation in […]


Joe Biden’s Criminal Behavior Risks National Security, Justifies Impeachment

The walls have closed in on Hunter Biden, the president’s beleaguered son whose shady business activities grow more nefarious by the day. Some semblance of accountability recently came in the form of a guilty plea, when Hunter admitted to federal tax evasion. Based on the Justice Department’s court filings, Joe Biden’s son failed to pay taxes in […]


Biden Democrats Weaponize Government Against Their Political Opponents

Securing former President Donald Trump’s surrender, Democrats have taken historical precedent and spit on it. Last week will go down as one of the darkest in the history of American politics. In Biden’s America, Democrats are more emboldened than ever before to target their political opponents by any means necessary—from dubious legal claims to vitriolic […]


Cori Bush hit with second FEC complaint over campaign security payments to husband

FIRST ON FOX: Missouri Democratic Rep. Cori Bush is facing a second Federal Election Commission (FEC) complaint over her campaign security payments to her husband. The newest complaint comes from the Committee to Defeat the President, an anti-Biden super PAC, which alleges Bush has “flouted” federal campaign finance laws by paying her new husband, Cortney Merritts, $60,000 for […]


President Biden Unfit, Unprepared to Combat an Aggressive China

China is on the move. President Biden, meanwhile, is failing America to an astonishing degree. I grew up in Colorado at the foot of Cheyenne Mountain, the original home of the joint U.S.-Canadian North American Air Defense Command (NORAD). NORAD’s primary mission is to protect North American air space. So, in the midst of the […]


Election in Overtime

By going to vote on December 6, 2022, republicans and conservatives alike can end the left’s one-party rule in Washington, D.C. But in order to do so, Georgians must get to the polls and vote for republican candidate Herschel Walker. Herschel is endorsed by President Trump and is the ONLY candidate in this run-off election […]


America, Brace for a Red Wave on Tuesday. It’s Real.

For months, Americans have been hearing about a “red wave.” Joe Rogan’s predicting one, the liberal media agrees, and actual American voters are venting their frustrations on a daily basis. In President Biden’s America, the frustration is well-deserved. The U.S. economy is on the brink of recession (if it’s not recessionary already), American pocketbooks are […]


OPINION: North Carolina’s future depends on Ted Budd

America is at a crossroads. There is no leadership in the White House. President Biden is the most ineffectual man to occupy it since President Carter before Reagan’s revolution, while his Democratic allies continue to move further and further left at the expense of everyday Americans. Left-wing agenda items like climate change and identity politics […]


Open-Border Democrats Get What They Deserve, America-First Republicans Get Even

Illegal immigrants in New York! Washington, D.C. too! Martha’s Vineyard even! Suddenly, the U.S.-Mexico border crisis is real. Because the people affected are now left-wing Democrats in East Coast “sanctuary cities,” rather than those retreads in Florida and Texas, the liberal media has seen the light. Democrats and their media allies have found their common […]


Republicans Must Impeach Merrick Garland, Christopher Wray

Over a week since the Mar-a-Lago raid, accountability is still nowhere to be found. As the liberal media celebrates government overreach, the raid’s legality is a question not asked by those seeking to vilify Donald Trump at every turn. The Biden administration is clearly desperate to change the subject, while the president ducks media questions on vacation. […]


Anti-Biden group targets Kamala Harris for BLM riots

An anti-President Biden super PAC accused Vice President Kamala Harris of engaging in “an insurrection against the United States of America” during “violent” Black Lives Matter protests. The group is trying to turn the tables on House Democrats investigating former President Donald Trump’s role in the Jan. 6, 2021, riots at the Capitol building. A […]


Republicans Must Honor the Trump-McConnell Legacy After SCOTUS Victories

From religious freedom to the right to bear arms and the end of Roe v. Wade, constitutional conservatism is on a roll in America. Today’s Supreme Court is officially the most conservative in 90 years. After a slew of recent Supreme Court victories, federal power has been diminished. States’ rights, meanwhile, have been restored in […]


It’s official: Biden is the worst president of the 21st century

OPINION: Work in politics long enough, and you start overthinking it. Who’s the target audience? What’s the key talking point? How do you persuade him or her to support you? In 2022, Republicans cannot fall into the trap of second-guessing themselves and overcomplicating the talking points. The path forward is simple. All signs point to […]


How Karine Jean-Pierre Just Helped the Committee to Defeat the President

On June 7, Dan Backer, attorney for the Committee to Defeat the President PAC, sent the FEC a supplemental letter asking them to enforce federal law and make President Joe Biden file the required forms to declare himself a candidate in 2024. The letter cited public statements Biden and others made that provided further support […]


Attorney Who Made Hillary Clinton Pay Wants Joe Biden to Come Clean Now

Attorney Dan Backer secured a $113 thousand fine from Hillary Clinton’s campaign for falsely reporting money paid to Perkins Coie as legal expenses when they actually spent it to create the infamous Steele Dossier. Now he is continuing to hold Democrats accountable on behalf of another client. Backer is representing The Committee to Defeat the […]


The 2022 Republican Platform: Economic Recovery, Border Security

A “red wave” is indeed coming in 2022. American voters—including Independents—are more likely to vote Republican in November, with crime and inflation emerging as two feathers in conservative caps. Much has been written about President Biden’s paltry polling and the window of opportunity it creates for Republicans. But conservatives cannot rest on their laurels in […]


Op-Ed: If Democrats Can Win Elections Fair and Square, They Should Have No Problem with GOP’s Plans

With the 2022 midterm elections fast approaching, voter fraud may not be far behind. And Republicans have taken action to protect election integrity. In Florida, Gov. Ron DeSantis and other Republicans recently passed far-reaching election reforms, creating a law enforcement agency to tackle voter fraud. In Georgia, lawmakers passed bills requiring photo identification in order to vote. […]


Democrats Are Failing on the Economy

Americans can fondly recall the booming economy that was. With President Donald Trump back on the campaign trail in states like Michigan, it seems quite long ago now. Under President Biden, the people of Michigan — my home state — are being left behind. With prices increasing across the board, Michigan drivers still pay around $4 per gallon on average for regular unleaded […]


Iran Nuclear Deal 2.0 Even Worse Than the First One

As the Biden administration resuscitates President Obama’s Iran nuclear deal, version 2.0 is looking even worse than the first one. Already one of the worst ideas in the recent history of geopolitics, the “new” agreement would do nothing to stop Iranian nuclearization, while undermining American interests. To even negotiate with Iran is wildly naive at […]


With the 2022 Midterms Approaching, COVID-19 Wraps Up

Down goes the vaccine mandate in Chicago. Off with the required masks in Los Angeles. In COVID-19 America, Hawaii is now the only state with an indoor mask mandate, with Massachusetts, New York, and Rhode Island all lifting theirs in recent weeks. Leading from behind, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has also […]


Harvey: Don’t overlook Biden border boondoggle in 2022

At this point in the Biden presidency, he is a gift that keeps on giving to Republicans in 2022. From COVID-19 mandates to the Afghanistan and Ukraine debacles, the Biden administration has failed on so many fronts that Republicans have to choose which failure(s) to highlight ahead of the midterm elections. Ted Harvey is chairman […]


The Biden economy will crush Democrats in 2022

While ancillary issues like cancel culture and critical race theory further the divide between Democratic elites and American voters—and, indeed, electability—the top issue in 2022 has always been and will continue to be the economy. Pocketbook issues always matter most, especially now and regardless of the daily social media cycle. On that score, President Biden has every […]


Mr. McConnell, Tear Down the Senate and Secure Our Border

The Biden administration is abandoning Americans on two fronts. In Afghanistan, hundreds of U.S. citizens remain stranded and vulnerable to Taliban aggression. While they may be alone in a Taliban-controlled country, they are not the only victims of President Joe Biden’s malfeasance. Along our southern border, the Biden administration is similarly ignoring the plight of the American […]


Biden Is Lost Everywhere – Especially Abroad

The Biden presidency has been a failure on many fronts. Inflation is skyrocketing and millions of jobs remain unfilled, leading to Stagflation 2.0. In news conferences, Biden looks plain lost, if he even decides to show up at all. Long, drawn-out pauses are common, yet to no dramatic effect. He slurs his words, rambling about […]


President Biden’s Anti-Corruption Fight Was Over Before It Began

President Biden really, really cares about corruption. Didn’t you get the memo? According to the White House, “President Biden definitely engages on—with a range of leaders—in advancing, you know, his foreign policy priorities, foremost amongst which are absolutely to address and combat corruption.” Ironically enough, those words were spoken by a Biden official on the […]


Super PAC Files FEC Complaint Against Biden 2024 Campaign

A political action committee dedicated to getting Joe Biden out of the Oval Office just announced a new major lawsuit against the president. As Americans eagerly look ahead to casting their ballots in 2024 and hopefully getting the country back on track, President Biden is already facing trouble. The Committee to Defeat the President, the […]


VIEWPOINT 2: Unlike predecessors, Trump will be remembered for global Peace

Months removed from the Trump presidency, The Donald’s legacy is up for debate, even among Republicans. Some even prefer the Bush brand of politics. They are wrong. Whereas President George W. Bush and President Barack Obama perpetuated a never-ending war in the Middle East, President Trump’s top priority was peace. He prioritized direct, aggressive diplomatic […]


A stagflation swamp: Joe Biden is Jimmy Carter 2.0

The year is 1977. In August, President Jimmy Carter is seven months into his presidency. Inflation has cleared 6% , while the U.S. labor force participation rate is stuck at 62.3% . The New York Times warns of a “stagflation swamp.” Sound familiar? Fast forward to 2021: Seven months into his term, President Joe Biden’s […]


The Cuban Protests Have Exposed the Democrats as Anti-American

Weeks since pro-democracy protests in Cuba began, the Democratic Party has proven to be inept at or uninterested in supporting freedom and opposing communism. Unfortunately, anti-Americanism now runs rampant in Washington, D.C. For weeks, national Democratic leaders like President Biden have either kept silent on the protests or outright appeased the Cuban regime. The Biden […]


President Biden is Using The FBI to Gaslight America

At the behest of the Biden administration, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is supposedly clamping down on domestic extremism. Urging Americans to keep an eye on family members and friends for “mobilization to violence,” the FBI’s targets are homegrown violent extremists, also known as HVEs. In other words, the FBI wants Americans to spy […]


Biden Beware: A GOP Tsunami Is Coming in 2022

Our Founding Fathers gave us a republic by which our revolutions are fought at the ballot box. I can assure you: There is a revolution taking place within the grassroots of our society. There is a remnant of freedom-loving, America-loving, God-fearing activists of all races and of all socioeconomic levels arising in every state across […]


President Biden Too Compromised to Handle China Cover-Up

After recklessly ending former President Donald Trump and Secretary Mike Pompeo’s investigation to prove the coronavirus originated in a Chinese lab, President Joe Biden has finally been forced to reverse course. By ordering U.S. intelligence agencies to determine the origins of COVID-19 so late in the game, America’s weak and compromised president is providing that […]


Biden’s America: A Weak Economy and COVID-19 Failure

For months, Americans have been sold a bag of goods. COVID-19 restrictions are necessary, Washington, D.C. elites said, to “flatten the curve” and ease the burden on hospitals. Short-term lockdowns are crucial, they said, because we need to minimize the spread of the coronavirus in the long run. Well, what about now? The original argument […]


Joe Biden’s 100 Days: partisan, negligent, and un-American

When President Biden hits the 100-day mark on Friday, Americans will be anything but excited about the “unity” of recent months.  If anything, Americans will be excited that we are 100 days closer to the end of the Biden presidency — one marked by bitter partisanship and reckless negligence. First, let’s start with “unity,” a Biden buzzword […]


President Biden’s Border Crisis Borders on Treason

The U.S.-Mexico border is in shambles. Once again, America has an illegal immigration crisis on its hands, and there’s only one person to blame: President Biden. The Biden administration knows exactly what is going on. President Biden had a front-row seat to the disastrous policies of the Obama administration, and he has purposely chosen to […]


Ahead of 2022, let’s protect American democracy from the radical left

Months removed from the 2020 election, we are left with many takeaways.  But above all else, Election Day showed that we need to do even more to protect electoral integrity and ensure a transparent voting process for all Americans. Democrats and Republicans agree: we need to fix our elections.  According to a recent poll, only 16 percent […]


Ted Harvey: Biden attacks 2nd Amendment – here’s what the president’s gun grab is really all about

In his latest show of bipartisan “unity,” President Biden is once again overstepping his executive authority. As if the dozens of executive orders signed in his administration’s early days weren’t enough, gun control is now on the president’s mind. Last week, Biden tucked $5 billion for “community violence prevention” into his $2 trillion infrastructure proposal, aimed at addressing […]


Shocker: Liberal Media Coddles Joe and Kamala, Divides Americans

What is the current state of the left-leaning mainstream media? Crisis, unprecedented crisis. Exit President Trump—a daily scapegoat for Beltway elites—and media ratings predictably plummet. CNN’s primetime viewership fell by more than 40 percent in the Biden presidency’s first weeks. But the Trump phenomenon only explains the media woes in part. After years of creating […]


Unfazed by Real Issues, Democrats Played Politics with Impeachment (Again)

Stop me if you’ve heard this before: Democrats played politics with the impeachment process. After peddling the hoax of “Russian collusion”—with no evidence to show for it—to impeach President Trump once, the anti-Trump #Resistance sought to convict the former president for his role in the Capitol riots, failing spectacularly. Emphasis on former. Newsflash to Democrats: After four years […]


Op-Ed: Promised Unity, Americans Receive a 3rd Obama Term

Unity. Unity. Unity! Since Inauguration Day, President Biden has promised to bring Americans together. In his words: “History, faith, and reason show the way, the way of unity. We can see each other not as adversaries, but as neighbors.” The left-leaning mainstream media is selling the same bag of goods to the general public, echoing […]


Pro-Trump super PAC transforming into anti-Biden group

FOX News correspondent Peter Doocy has the inauguration eve details on ‘Special Report’ EXCLUSIVE: A super PAC that supported President Trump’s 2020 re-election bid is changing its name – and its mission. With Wednesday’s planned inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden and the end of President Trump’s tenure in the White House, Fox News has learned that The […]


Pro-Trump super PAC transforming into anti-Biden group

EXCLUSIVE: A super PAC that supported President Trump’s 2020 re-election bid is changing its name – and its mission. With Wednesday’s planned inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden and the end of President Trump’s tenure in the White House, Fox News has learned that The Committee to Defend the President is renaming itself the Committee to Defeat the […]


Op-Ed: In Praise of Melania Trump’s Humble Leadership

While President Trump’s departure from the White House dominates the news cycle, his wife’s transition is flying under the radar. She wouldn’t have it any other way. After four years of calm, quiet leadership, the departure of first lady Melania Trump is emblematic of her unwavering humility and the modesty that is all too difficult […]


Op-Ed: Here Are 3 Fronts the Trump Administration Was Successful On

In our republic, the president of the United States has only a select few responsibilities: foreign policy, the appointment of federal judges and using the bully pulpit to rally America during crises. In 2020, President Trump succeeded on all three fronts. On all three fronts, the Trump administration proved that enacting an “America first” agenda […]